Sunday, October 9, 2016

Adventure #55: Transitioning

"You ready?" - Lorelai
"No." - Rory
"You ready?" - Lorelai
"Yes." - Rory
(Gilmore Girls)

In classes to become an elementary school teacher, we are advised to give children time to transition from one activity to the next. This is usually done with a procedure set up at the start of the year and is consistently followed so that students are trained and comfortable with the process but also so that learning moves at a fluid pace and less time is theory.

Something similar has been used on me. Several of my friends have instigated the use of "transition words." Perhaps, they thought I was unaware that it was time to leave or say good night or whatever. But I was always aware, just unwilling to remove myself from the comforting presence of one I love. Each one, though, knew it was necessary and thoughtfully prepared me for the goodbye. And, even though I didn't want to be any sort of burden or inconvenience, each transition word, whether 'okay' or 'alright' or 'therefore,' came with a twinge of sadness.

I'm grateful, however, for the warning. In fact, the use of transition words became a tool for me. Like a child given the five minute signal, I knew I had a limited time to say or do the important things before the goodbye. This example has been portrayed on a grander scale for me this year. 2016 has been the year of 'prepare yourself' and every other month seemed to have had a drawn out 'soooo' attached to it.

I don't know if I've made the best use of my transitional periods or not. Even if you know you have one or two or four months before your friend is leaving, how can you know the time you were given was used adequately? Even if your parents are moving a month from now and you're not freaking out yet (which is a reaction everyone expects of you, even yourself), in fact you're excited for them, what happens when the freak out comes?

I've done more this year to change my life than any year previous. Starting Kung Fu, asking a boy out on a date, moving (same city, just a change of scenery), reading several books on boundaries and beginning to apply unheard of concepts, encouraging my best friend to move (and then discouraging it because I'm confusing and a conundrum and selfish), encouraging my parents to move (and as mentioned not panicking yet...) I'm proud of what's happened, both what I've done for myself and how I've handled things that come my way.

Mercifully, I have had transitional periods for all of these things though. They were built up to and I was able to rely on a step-by-step nature to the major changes especially. I can say I wasn't always graceful; I can definitely say I had stubborn moments, still do even. I can also attest to the fact that as I was willing to listen, God prepared me for each step. And He has been with me through everything -EVERYTHING - to get me here.

But this is a lesson that I'm relearning constantly. Life happens in transitional periods. Change is always looming but Heavenly Father prepares us if we align ourselves with His will. I can feel changes still coming but He always sends a transition word. And if I'm listening, I'll hear it and be prepared for all the adventures ahead.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Adventure #54: Messiness

It’s been a while and because of that, this entry is going to sound somewhat like a giant excuse but honestly, I’ve been pondering this for at least 3 months now. So here’s an obscure thought for the day.

“Life is messy, and we’re all a little screwed up in our own special snowflake kind of way.” - Mark Manson

Maybe it’s just part of growing up but I feel more and more confused all the time. I’ve hit the point where I’m trying to escape my own brain because the thinking going on is muddled and difficult and not producing the results I would like. I don’t know if this actually is because of the whole growing up thing or not but I’m going to blame it on that. Basically, everything I dislike I blame on “growing up.”

My point, you ask?

Life is messy. And much messier than I could have imagined. I might have had second thoughts about growing up if I had realized that NOTHING would make sense and clarity is the biggest myth of them all.

However, I am convinced that the greatest beauty is found in this mess. Diamond Rio sang it this way, “This morning I put salt in my coffee. I put my shoes on the wrong feet. Losing my mind, I swear….What a beautiful mess, what a beautiful mess I’m in.”

And that’s what we all face here.


Blurred lines.



Life is made of these things. But it’s also designed for us to overcome these. And after 27 years, I’m finally starting to figure that out. I thought I’d had adventures before but it looks like there’s many more coming that I’m sure I’ll enjoy.

Enjoy your adventures!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Adventure #53: Being a Palmer

"It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to." - W.C. Fields

No one knows who or what they're going to be before they are born. Parents can dream and imagine for you...maybe you'll be a genius, maybe an athlete, maybe a genius athlete. But at the very beginning, it's all undetermined. Except one thing: your name. I'm not referencing a first name but the name you have in common with parents and grandparents and various others who came before. As for myself, I'm a proud Palmer.

I didn't realize how proud until recently. I suppose weddings bring out all sorts of emotions, including pride and gratitude. Looking around the temple to see uncles, aunts, and cousins is a special sight. And it got me blessed am I?

The answer? So blessed!

I was given the opportunity to grow up surrounded by this amazing extended family. Every Sunday spent at Grandma and Grandpa's - playing with cousins, being teased by uncles, laughing with aunts. Camping, fishing, adventuring - all of that time spent connecting and exploring truly important aspects of life. I realize not every moment was sunshine and rainbows but no matter what happened, we all seemed to realize we were in this together. And that has given me much to think about over the course of my life.

In many ways, I have been shaped by these interactions. I've seen kindness and humor shared. I've seen how each of my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins accept and embrace the people they come in contact with. I've watched how they deal with tragedy and disappointment in a realistic but faithful manner. They are the type of people who can make the best of any situation and choose to in every situation. Hundreds or thousands of my most memorable moments have been spent with the Palmer's.

I wish I could take the time required to adequately relay the lifetime of those moments. But each Sunday afternoon spent in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard is its own adventure. And the Saturdays of fishing trips, Easter camping outings, 4th of July and Labor Day parades, BBQ's, birthdays, get togethers just because we missed each other... I treasure every second spend in the presence of these glorious humans.

It doesn't seem like enough to just thank the whole family for being such a positive influence in my life. I hope to one day individualize that message. But for now know that I love and respect each of you. I admire your generosity and perseverance. And, as a Palmer, I am who I am because how each of you have touched my life.

I am enjoying my adventures with you all and I hope you are too.