Monday, November 9, 2015

Adventure #51: Fairytales

"Sandwiched between their 'Once Upon A Time' and 'Happily Ever After' they all experience great adversity." ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Sometimes I wonder if people are even paying attention. And then, I realize how many things I miss on a daily basis. Only one conclusion can be reached: I know no one is paying attention. One such instant blindsided me. I was sitting in a marriage-prep class (a rare moment itself) and the teacher begins criticizing fairytales. By the of the "discussion" on "unrealistic expectations" and "you can't marry someone to change them," I was convinced she'd never actually watched or read a fairytale in her life.

Whether or not she had is somewhat irrelevant because her words lit a fire in my mind. Agree or disagree, she'd gotten me thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know). Isn't that the goal of all teachers? So research and ponder, I did!

When I hit upon the quote above, I started relating all fairytales I knew to it (mostly Disney but a few others). In these stories, before anyone even got close to a Happily Ever After, there were floors to be scrubbed and dishes to wash. There was yelling and crying and hiding. There was pain and loss (I'm talking about more than just shoes here, people). They faced malice and opposition and misunderstandings. They were under-appreciated and under-estimated. The couples were often separated and had to search and fight to be reunited.

Perhaps, in the end, each of the couples could have benefitted from some couples counseling but, having faced adversity before their Happily Ever After began, meant that they already knew they were stronger together. And, with that in mind, they were in no way disillusioned that life would be sunshine and rainbows from that point on - we just didn't have access to that part of the story. Through this they learned to face whatever came...together.

If memory serves, one of the teacher's points in this section of the lesson was, "Don't marry the Beast because you think you can change him." I agree with the statement but it doesn't actually fit the story. The Beast had already been changed and he was suffering because of it. While it took some effort, patience, and kindness on the part of Belle, she saw the goodness of the soul behind the aching facade. This in no way excuses his behavior - he could have treated Belle and others around him much better. He could have reacted much better to his situation than he did. But aren't we all guilty of that?

What happens if we just believe in the people around us?

Surprises, in the form of miracles, happen constantly.

I understand that all of this changes based on the circumstances but fairytales exist to help us learn to face whatever comes. That, in these varying circumstances, no matter how scary, we can be brave and true and, most of all, kind. We should gather from their adventures what wisdom we can and apply that wisdom as we enjoy our adventures. And, this is what that teacher seemed to have missed entirely.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Adventure #50: I'm Back!

"Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while."

Because of my absence the past couple months, I've decided to write a post every week this month instead of just once. My goal is every Monday in November (since that covers my usual day - the 9th). So keep an eye out. As for today, here's a thought that started sometime in October about a few things I've missed!

Here's the dumb thing about today: Nostalgia. Every year, about this time - in the autumns of infinite promise - this longing begins anew. It doesn't crave any specific place or time but instead yearns for those whose lives intertwined with mine but have since ceased. I get nostalgic for people.

Most often, I'm grateful for this remembrance. I look at my life knowing I was blessed, even for a moment, by the influence of these glorious people. And, then my heart recognizes the loss. The love for them echoes through the space left there by our interactions.

I miss playing Star Wars Stratego with you and riding our bikes to the library and swimming pool. And, how you knew my mind and heart and considered me.

I miss texting you in every instant that we couldn't be together. And, how you'd used our nicknames and inside jokes so entirely. And, our superhero moments and how comfortable we were at our best.

I miss the Norweigian you wrote with the magnets on our fridge and making mango cookies. And, how you would say, "What had happened was..." And, your opinions on films and how we could talk about that stuff for so long.

There are more. There are SO many more! Because I have been loved and have been blessed to love. I know that is why I long for people. And, I'm grateful to be missing you.