Sunday, February 9, 2014

Adventure #29 : Being Out of Luck

“It's hard to believe in coincidence, but it's even harder to believe in anything else.” ~John Green


noun 1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities


People don't seem to have an opinion one way or another about luck. At least not many people I've had specific conversations with. Does it exist? Is there such thing as coincidence? Or is everything destined to be exactly as it has turned out? Okay, there are two people I know who are exceptions to not having an opinion on luck and both argue that, "There's no such thing as luck."

Those same people have told me that I'm out of luck when the opportunity has arisen.

My question is then:
Do you have to believe in luck to tell someone they are out of it?

Personally, I believe in luck. I believe in destiny as well. And I believe in God and His hand in my life too. But I don't believe that my dice roll when I play Chicken was designed with me in mind. As if someone said, "Melody has to roll three 6's, two 2's, and a 4 this roll!" No, that is luck. Card games? A shuffle is just that: random and luck of the draw. Maybe most of my belief in luck is just in relation to games but even those times when the lights are all green or finding a quarter on the sidewalk...these cases most of the time = luck. I believe there's much luck in the little every day things of life.

From this I've gathered, I've never been out of luck. I'm the one who has the luck. And for those who don't think it's out there...more for me! You're out of luck!