Saturday, March 9, 2013

Adventure #18: Something Funny

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." ~ Victor Borge

The urge to write something funny led me to ponder moments in which I've laughed and what about them I found humorous. For instance, the time my roommates, Amanda and Brittany, were learning about asymptotes.
 "You're an asymptote!" Brittany called Amanda.
 "Can't touch this! Dun un un un..." was Amanda's response.
I'm sure my nerdy side factors into my love of this exchange but, between these two, this is most memorable for me. Perhaps, it is only funny to those who know that an asymptote is a function that gets closer and closer to a specific point but never crosses it. The beautiful part to me is that they had learned enough about the concept to make the joke - they certainly are the clever sort!

Another time, I was doing a puzzle with my roommate, Linsey. The clue for the word was "Food Vessel." In my honest-to-goodness best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, I looked at Linsey, flexed, and said, "It's ver you vessel with your food." Her response was contagious, in that we laughed for what felt like hours. It made me think: Yeah, every once in a while, I have a good line.

One further example of laughter is with my current roommate, Katie. While enjoying the company of my family one evening, the laughter couldn't be held in. MFK (this is what I call Katie) was especially infectious in her energy. I thought I might attempt to stopper the insanity...or perhaps contribute.
 "You're weird," I said, eyes crinkling.
 "Yeah, so?" MFK responded.
 "Lychee!" I pronounced.
 "Oooooooooooooommmmmmmmm," Katie concluded, going zen.
This conversation may not make sense others; after all, it didn't completely to us. But I'm pretty sure that people overhearing most conversations I have with MFK won't connect things coherently. So anyone eavesdropping will need a road map back to intelligibility.

I live in a realm of hilarity. I hope everyone does - humor is a necessity in every life. To laugh is to live in the moment, fearing nothing and hoping everything. So, as my sister Miranda once said, "Can I put a smiley face on here in all seriousness?" :)