Thursday, October 9, 2014

Adventure #38: The Harry Potter Clause

"Who says you can't go home? There's only one place they call me one of their own...There's only one place left I want to go! Who says you can't go home?" ~ Bon Jovi

In Harry Potter, we find out that Harry has to return to the Dursleys once a year to keep his mother's love protecting him. As long as he can call it home, he can renew that protective charm.

I've realized recently that I have a similar enchantment in effect on me. Only I need to go home once a month to renew it. 

Perhaps, that's a exaggeration but when I couldn't make it back to Cedar for 2+ months, I was struggling. And, maybe I can go longer and still be okay. But I know - I experienced it - that I do better when I regularly return home.

Why is that? I'm not entirely sure. Though I do know that I love it there more than any place on earth. And some of my favorite people live there. Often I get to take other favorite people with me! There isn't much else required to recharge - my favorite place and some of my favorite people. 

And every visit is a reminder that, no matter what happens in life, I can always go home.

1 comment:

  1. Cedar City has exceptionally magical people in it, for sure. :) I get you.
