Friday, August 9, 2013

Adventure #23: My Family

Lilo: He was an orphan and we adopted him! What about "ohana"?
Nani: He hasn't been here that long!
Lilo: Neither have I. Dad said "ohana" means family. Family means...
Lilo & Nani: ...nobody gets left behind.
Lilo: Or...?
Nani: ...or forgotten. I know, I know. I hate it when you use "ohana" against me.

I knew I missed Cedar City like crazy! I still do but it might mostly be because that is where my family is. They drove me crazy when I lived with them...and perhaps I wouldn't trade my current adventure for that just yet but it is nice to know that they are always there, willing to welcome me back to their craziness. And that is love.

And where would one find more of that love than sitting in Grandpa Palmer's front room (because we're finally old enough!!!) chilling with the Palmer cousins? Or going to concerts with Tiana? Or eating Chinese food with Josh and Brooke? Or camping at Three Peaks over Easter weekend? Or groaning in unison with all Smiths within earshot of Grandpa Smith's most recent lame pun? Or chasing Hunter around at any Palmer get together? Or talking until 3am with Holly and Tiana? Or listening to Shamra describe her ever-adventurous life? Or hosting the traditional Katlyn-Racheal-Melody-Melissa-Miranda sleep over? Or visiting Bruno's with Angie? Or candlelight dinners on Valentine's Day with Mom, Dad, and sisters?

That is a LOT of love! And there continues to be even more...I'm part of the best families in the world! Who else would have put up with me for this long? After all, "Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts." So thank you to the sweet and the nutty because my life wouldn't be nearly so full of adventures without you all! I love you!!!