"I can't help but notice, that for someone who doesn't like change, you rearrange your room a lot." ~Kathryn Gardner
I cut my hair. I moved to Provo. I tried to switch to the new Pinterest before they did it for me. And I did rearrange my room.
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would have liked me to mention this sooner and also more personally. Rearranging my room is a big step and I neglected many in the effort. I do apologize for the informality of this route but I've been holding out on the subject area to write about it now. A part of me might have been frightened to bring it up; we learned in my last post that when I announce something, it becomes concrete to the point of scary real. The craziness? I feel okay, even calm. Glad I finally put it out there about rearranging my room!
So...the real reason I've brought you here today is to inform you of my move to Provo. It's new and exciting and I never thought I'd EVER leave Cedar City. But here I am, writing from my new apartment in Provo, UT, jobless and inexperienced, having never lived away from my hometown. And I feel CALM??? Honestly, it's freaking me out that I'm not freaking out! (I still think that if I wait just a couple more days a freak out will happen but I've been saying that to myself for the last month!)
And since I'm not having a come apart, now seems like a good time to talk about my feelings on change. I will NEVER hug the couch - but - I'm continually learning that, "All stories, even the ones we love, must eventually come to an end and
when they do, it's only an opportunity for another story to begin."
So begins a new story for me...a change that I chose for myself. So as Katie pointed out in the quote above, I don't like change (like when my parents got their new, uncomfortable couch) but I do like to rearrange my room A LOT! And that's the difference - we don't have power over all change that happens in our lives but we have power enough to cope.
And if ever you find me rearranging my room, it probably means I'm unsettled about something out of my control. Happy changes to all!!!